"When you are quiet, they put you aside;
when you are loud, they do the same.
When you are poorly dressed, they say you are strange;
when you are smartly dressed, they say you are up to something.
When you wear a skirt, it means you are a slut;
when you wear a trousers, it means you are a nun.
When you walk up straight, you are cocky;
when you slouch, you are hiding something."
This comes from Lucia de B and can possibly go on and on.
It's an era of the witch hunt.
You could never be fine, just fine.
If ever, the public, has decided to hunt you down.
This true-story-turn-movie is more about the dumb and numb mass,
than the questionable impartiality of the judiciary.
It's the mass that has put Lucia to jail;
and then it's the mass that has her set free.
The mass does not want you to be different.
You should always stay normal and faceless...
This is a median world.
Learn to be the median, earn the average wage, live a normal life.
I don't know why I feel so enraged and breathless after the movie...
But there it is.